Is This Announcer Mispronouncing the Name of One of Louisiana’s Most Famous Foods?
It's been a rough time lately for New Orleans. A combination of the pandemic, overly strict restrictions on the city's bars and restaurants by a power-hungry mayor and a sharp rise in violent crime, the Crescent City's once burgeoning tourist industry has fallen on hard times.
But perhaps the comeback has begun! A video touting the city was recently produced, highlighting New Orleans' history, art, sights and famous restaurants.
And that's where things get a little weird. And a little controversial.
As the video show folks in a restaurant having a great time, the announcer says, "The New Orleans you love is back. Our kitchens are bustling: charbroiled oysters, poor boys and gumbo coming right up."
Poor boys? Not po boy? Does anybody in Louisiana really say, "I'll have a shrimp poor boy, please?" Yeah...if they're visiting from New York.
Well, like so many things on social media, the no-holds-barred po boy brawl had begun.
"Gotta be honest, first word that came to my mind was 'Yankee.'"
"The only person who I have heard say poor boy is the former Yankee that raised me."
"And someone in New Orleans obviously had to approve it! We heard it too and gasped."
But then came the "poor boy" defenders!
"The announcer was absolutely right! There is a move in New Orleans to take our Poor Boy back. We simply don't use the word 'po' for poor here. We say 'pooah.' Poor Boy is the right answer."
"As the former GM of the #1 restaurant in Lafayette who serves these delicious sandwiches I hate to break it to you but 'poor boy' is the traditional title."
"Yes, when I was growing up in New Orleans we called them 'poor boys.'"
So, what do you think? Po Boys? Poor Boys? Here's the ad. And like someone pointed out, somebody pretty high up in New Orleans Tourism gave it the okay!