Here’s Shreveport/Bossier’s List of The Best ‘Dad Jokes’ Of All Time
Dad's big day is getting closer every day! We will celebrate Father's Day this Sunday, but we should really celebrate the old guy every day.

Dad is your go-to when you need money. He's got some of the best advice. (Usually, he's been there, done that)
His clothes really don't fit very well anymore. He's got that "Dad Bod."
Did Dad Really Just Say That?
He's proven himself very capable of saying the absolute worst thing at the absolute worst time.
Truth be told, he has no shame. Hey, he's earned that! Like my Dad always told me, "I've been where you are. You've never been where I am."
But it's his sense of humor that will nearly always cause you to groan a little.
Why? Because Dad Jokes, though occasionally humorous, are always unpredictable. Just because Dad thinks they are funny, doesn't mean the rest of the world agrees.
Even Hollywood greats like Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg have a tough time delivering some of these gems.
Old Dad Really Doesn't Care If You Laugh. He Thought It Was Funny
Guess what. Dad doesn't care. In all likelihood, he's going to tell you the same joke dozens of times. And even when he's not telling you the joke, you'll be there to witness him telling it to everyone he knows.
Hey, if he laughs, it should all be worth it right?
With that in mind, see which way these make you lean. Groan or giggle. It's the Absolute Best, Or Worst, Dad Jokes of All Time.