Louisiana Life Span Shocking When Compared To Rest Of America
Here in Louisiana we love our deep-fried foods and King Cakes which doesn't lend itself to a healthy lifestyle.
Our lifespan is influenced by a variety of factors, including luck, food, activity, and genetics. But did you know your location can play a big part as well?

According to a recent NiceRx study that rated all 50 states according to life expectancy. They found Hawaii has the longest life expectancy at 80.7 years, placing it first overall.
That's about four years longer than the national average, which fell to 76.4 years.
Our neighbors to the east, Mississippi, ranked dead last, having a life expectancy of 71.9, or over ten years less than Hawaii.
The East and West Coasts of the United States typically have the greatest life expectancy rates, while the South and Midwest have the lowest.
The gap between men and women has grown as well. Currently, the average life expectancy in America is 73.5 years for males and 79.3 years for women.
The 10 USA states with the highest life expectancy:
- Hawaii
- Washington
- Minnesota
- California
- Massachusetts
- New Hampshire
- Oregon
- Vermont
- Utah
- Connecticut
Louisiana didn't fair well compared to the states above when it comes to life expectancy According to the CDC, the average life span of an adult in Louisiana is 73.1 years. Our neighbors to the west, Texas, on average just live longer than the national average (76.4) at 76.5 years.
The 10 USA states with the lowest life expectancy:
- Mississippi
- West Virginia
- Louisiana
- Alabama
- Kentucky
- Tennessee
- Arkansas
- Oklahoma
- New Mexico
- South Carolina
Am I surprised that Louisiana is ranked in the bottom 3 of the states with the lowest life expectancy? No. Living here you get used to hearing how bad our state is at everything. However, this is home, and I wouldn't change the fact that I grew up here and will die here if I had a time machine.
I love our food, I love our culture, and I love our people. Louisiana is an awesome place to live and no survey or chart can change my mind on that.