Revealed: Why Thousands in Louisiana Will Visit Doctors This Week
The medical community in the state of Louisiana is on a state of high alert. If the information that is being shared across websites, social media, and professional medical platforms is true, you or someone you know will be reaching out to a doctor over the next seven to ten days. That means Louisiana's medical professionals will be tending to a lot more of us in urgent care centers, general physicians' offices, or even emergency rooms.
The good news is that what will drive us to seek medical attention is not likely to kill us. The bad news is that if you're affected by this particular malady, you might spend more than a few days "feeling like death". For those who suffer there isn't a cure but at least there are treatments that can alter and alleviate the symptoms that might make you feel so miserable.
If you live anywhere in Louisiana, from Monroe and Ruston along the I-20 corridor to Lake Charles, Lafayette, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans along the I-10 corridor chances are you've already experienced the symptoms we are describing. That's because Louisiana appears to be on the brink of one of the worst pollen seasons in quite a few years.
The website Pollen.com reports that 29% of the United States is in the "medium status" for pollen and seasonal allergies. However, Louisiana, the entire state, is listed in the highest range possible on the pollen.com map.
The pollen count for Lafayette is expected to be about as high as it can go. The Hub City and its allergy sufferers can expect an over-the-top dose of allergens from oak trees, fir trees, and the plethora of grasses that are starting to grow rapidly since the area is now receiving adequate rainfall.
Allergy conditions in South Louisiana aren't expected to improve that much over the next five days either. Since the weather forecast is calling for sunny skies through the weekend, if you're suffering from seasonal allergies today, chances are you'll be sniffling and sneezing on Easter Sunday as well. We might get a break from the "yellow menace" our name for pollen when storms move into the area early next week.
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Gallery Credit: Terryn