Jay’s Video Game Review: Red Dead Redemption 2 ONLINE
For the last 48 hours, I have dove headfirst into the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 Online. Here's what I think!
Let me begin that you'd be hard-pressed to find a guy more familiar with Rockstar Games than me. Any title released by Rockstar, I have played it and most-likely loved it. Sure, I love some more than others, but if I see the Rockstar logo, I know it will be well-worth my time (and money).
I've gone on record as saying not only was Red Dead Redemption 1 one of my favorite games on the planet, but I've never in my life been more excited over a video game's release than I was for Red Dead Redemption 2. Of course, I pre-ordered the game and took off a week from work so I could play it without interruptions and finish the story mode. That was back in October of 2018. At the time of the game's release, their online mode was not available. So, after finishing the story mode, I put the game up and never really dove back into it. If you're grown and with kids, you can probably understand why. Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the largest and most intricate open-world games ever made, so even though I thoroughly loved the game when playing it the first time, it's just nearly impossible to commit the time necessary to properly playing that game.
Until this past weekend.
I decided to dive into the online mode randomly this weekend, and logged an impressive 14 hours on the game. Granted, that was enough time to save up about $130 in-game dollars and buy a few cans of beans and a horse brush, but it was a wonderful time.
I'll start with what I like about RDR2 Online. I love that you get to create your own character to explore this vast, dreamlike open world. I love that Rockstar incorporated a wonderful story mode of it's own for your online character. The missions are intense, and if you choose to follow the story mode, your created character feels like part of the game itself. I cannot possibly explain how many missions are available to your online player.
Honestly, the only thing about online mode that I don't really like, is the grind of it all. Like I stated earlier, the reason I put the game down was that I simply didn't have time to ride around horseback for 8 hours a day eating berries and skinning wild game. Online is a grind that makes the offline story mode seem elementary. It's incredibly difficult to make a reasonable amount of money in-game for online players. A perfect example is this: I accept a mission that takes me on the hunt for six outlaws. I handle business and it takes about 30 real-life minutes. For my trouble, I'm rewarded six dollars. I go to the store to purchase a new, better gun, only to realize that I'm like $800 short.
The grind is real, but I don't plan on stopping the grind anytime soon. In fact, as soon as I end this sentence I'll be grabbing the controller and headset to head back out West, because I absolutely can't get enough of this game.
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