Legislation Passes to Lower Auto Insurance Rates for LA Drivers
Tired of high auto insurance rates here in Louisiana? This might help!
In a world where good news is few and far between, we have to celebrate the small wins when we get them. In my opinion, this is a win for all drivers here in Louisiana. Unless you're not a fan of saving money, of course.
Today, legislation has cleared the Senate with the goal of lowering auto rates in our state by up to 10%. It's not a done-deal, ultimately governor John Bel Edwards could veto the bill when it ends up on his desk.
We can certainly use the help, one way or another. Looking around the rest of the nation, 48 states have a lower average when it comes to auto insurance rates. With this bill passing, we can hope to at least come close to where most other states are.
There are many political leaders, however, who oppose this piece of legislation. Amite Representative Robby Carter has quite the quote in regards to this bill, saying, "When you put lipstick on a pig it’s still a pig, well this is still a pig.”
Monroe Senator Katrina Jackson also opposes the bill, saying, "No insurance company came to the table throughout the process of this session on this bill and guaranteed us that rates will decrease.”
As a Louisiana voter and driver, I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that a bill passing without the guarantee of lower rates is disheartening.
Hopefully, they can find a way, one way or another, to lower our ridiculously high auto insurance rates.
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