For weeks, the Life Tabernacle Church in Central, Louisiana has defied Governor John Bel Edwards emergency laws to combat the COVID-19 outbreak in the state. The first version of the Governor's emergency laws limited groups to 50, it has since been lowered to 10. The church has violated every version of the law.

This weekend, BR Proud reports there were over 1,200 people at the Sunday service in the Baton Rouge area. Like the previous violations of the law, buses were sent out by church leaders to gather people to bring in.

Leader of the Church, Tony Spell, refused BR Prouds request for an interview. He instead had his father, Timothy Spell, issue a statement, which said:

“The church again, is not a non-essential. The church is the most essential thing in all the world”

Last week, Tony Spell appeared on national television, when he was on the Dr. Phil show. During that interview, Spell indicated he would continue to violate the law.

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