Louisiana is 1 Step Closer to Building Huge Wind Farm in the Gulf

Alternative energy has taken a major step in the planning of a huge facility to harness the power of Earth's most plentiful resource: Wind.
According to a report from the Center Square, a major legal move was made this week that could make way for plans to build a huge wind farm just off of the coast of Louisiana. The House Committee on Natural Resources and Environment cast a unanimous vote to approve House Bill 165 earlier this week.
Once it becomes a law, the measure would vastly expand current limits on oil-and-gas leases from a maximum of 5,000 acres to up to 25,000 acres for wind energy leases. This is a crucial element of properly designing and building an effective wind farm. To get the most out of each unit, experts say they must give each windmill 500 to 1000 acres worth of space. Any closer, windmills would be stealing wind from each other.
Keep in mind that (when properly spaced) each windmill will theoretically generate enough electricity to power 940 homes. In a 25,000 acre farm - we're talking potentially enough juice for 47,000 homes. The proposed legislation will allow wind power companies to effectively lease large enough chunks of offshore Louisiana to make the project financially viable for everyone involved.
The next step for HB 165 is the final vote by the Louisiana House of Representatives before finally making its way to Governor John Bel Edwards Desk for approval.
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