Starting Jan. 1, It’ll be Legal in Louisiana for Some to Smoke Marijuana
Since the bill was signed into law around six months ago, it might have slipped your mind, that here in Louisiana, we are in for some new sights beginning next Saturday, January 1, 2022.
From January 1 forward, in Louisiana, if you think you see someone smoking a joint, out in the wide open, in the middle of the day, it might be because they really are smoking a joint, but don't worry, it's all legal.

Louisiana Law is Changing on January 1, 2022
Back in June, Gov. John Bel Edwards signed House Bill 391, by Representative Tanner Magee, into Louisiana law.
The new law, which begins on January 1, will allow state registered medical patients to obtain "raw or crude" cannabis for the purpose of "inhalation." Until this point, those patients were limited to the usage of only "non-inhaled" forms of cannabis.
That restriction ends at the stroke of midnight next Friday and will allow Louisiana’s nine medical marijuana pharmacies to sell the "smokable" form of marijuana.
The new law allows for these state registered patients to legally obtain up to two and a half ounces of medical cannabis flower per 14 day period from licensed providers.
Of course, some say the new law will put a strain on the currently licensed providers, but in an article from KTBS earlier this year, we learn that Louisiana is planning to address this issue as well.
Legislative leaders indicated they would propose expanding the number of growers and pharmacies next year.
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