Michael Lohan To Celebrity Rehab?
March 04, 2011
Charlie Sheen, Guinness World Record holder? Michael Lohan is in need of rehab? And what's with Ashton Kutcher's tweets lately? Find out all this juicy gossip and more in today's Hizziewood Hizzle!
Talk about WINNING: Charlie Sheen has broken the Guinness World Record for snagging one million Twitter followers in the shortest amount of time: 25 hours and 17 minutes. This morning, he is just shy of 1.5 million followers. Yesterday, Charlie Sheen tweeted that he had worked out a custody deal with Brooke Mueller. He said, quote, "not sure what all the legal noise is about ... just verbally reached a deal with B. no court monday. yay." But shortly after those Tweets were posted, TMZ reported that the deal was off... because Charlie went on a Philadelphia radio station and started talking about it. Supposedly, one of the terms of the deal was that Charlie NOT talk to the media about it. The reason Charlie called the station in the first place was because their morning show paid a pilot to fly a banner over Charlie's house, offering him a job. It’s not like Charlie is close to running out of money. According to "Access Hollywood", Charlie has made contact with CBS President Les Moonves... and he's hoping to set up a meeting for today. Not that he is even close to running out of money.
Lindsay Lohan is calling her dad’s actions into question, again. She says that she was shocked and upset to learn that her dad has signed up to be on Celebrity Rehab without consulting with her first. She wants to know much he is getting paid and is afraid that HE will embarrass the family. The rest of the no-name cast includes: Former baseball player Dwight "Doc" Gooden, former "Baywatch" kid Jeremy Jackson, and Tareq and Michaele Salahi... the couple that crashed a White House party, and then ended up on"Real Housewives". Lindsay won’t reveal her thoughts on her dad’s new gig, but she did say, "I am sorry that my father has continually chosen to speak publicly about our relationship, my mother, my siblings, and my professional team and I am working through my recovery day-by-day and find his public media bouts unnecessary and damaging."
In Lindsay Lohan legal news, her lawyer is working both her client and the law and it looks like she may have convinced Lindsay to take the plea deal. Lindsay needs to understand that jail time is inevitable, but going to trial could put her in jail for a year. The prosecutor won’t budge on the 6-month plea deal, but the judge has supposedly told Lindsay’s lawyer that if she does plea guilty or no contest, the sentence will be around 3 months. However, the overcrowding effect will reduce the 3 down to about 18 days total. Not such a bad deal for the little klepto right?
Ashton Kutcher lost control of his Twitter account. It appears his account was hacked by someone looking over his shoulder at a conference he is attending. A pair of tweets to his @aplusk account read: "Ashton, you've been Punk'd. This account is not secure. Dude, where's my SSL?" and "P.S. This is for those young protesters around the world who deserve not to have their Facebook & Twitter accounts hacked like this. #SSL."
But Ashton is back in contol now. He tweeted a few hours ago: kudos to the clever one but nothing a little diplomacy couldn't resolve. @aplusk is back in the saddle. Last time we talked with Ashton, we asked him how many tweet requests he gets for product endorsements on a daily basis.
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