My Favorite Seasonal Pumpkin-Pear Smoothie–You’ll Love It
There are many, many things I love about autumn. In East Texas, we are gifted with some of the most gorgeous days you can find anywhere. Sure, we may not be in Boston, but I'd suggest that there are a few magic days when the changing colors of our trees (of which we are already starting to see the beginning), are pretty spectacular.

However, like many--I love the food and flavors we enjoy during the fall the most. Yes, that includes pumpkin bread, Halloween candy, and cinnamon-flavored anything, really. But for those of us always seeking to eat a healthier diet, even your daily smoothies can provide some of those delightful seasonal flavors we love.
I'm always looking for new smoothies. They are one of my favorite go-to's when I want to enjoy something delicious, healthy, and easy to take with me on the go. I have several favorites. However, recently I was looking for something more seasonal to add a bit of variety, and I found just the thing. It's a great breakfast but also makes a quite filling snack, too. And now I will share it with you.
Protein-rich Pumpkin & Pear Smoothie:
1-2 fresh, large pears, cored and chopped
3/4 cup organic canned pumpkin puree
1 cup plant-based milk (cuz you know I don't do dairy milk--you can opt for an unsweetened vanilla almond or soy milk.)
2 Tbsp honey
1 Tbsp plant-based protein powder, such as pea or hemp
3/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
About 1 cup of ice
Blend! Again, I can't recommend the Vitamix enough. However, there's many high-powered brands that would also work. This should make two servings. Enjoy!
KEEP READING: 3-ingredient recipes you can make right now
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