New York City Hostess Attacked By Texas Tourists After Asking To See Proof Of Vaccination
Reports say that three arrests were made after Texans visiting New York City allegedly assaulted a restaurant hostess. Apparently, the hostess was following city policies and asked the group to see proof of vaccination. Video of the attack shows how the incident unfolded.
According to reports, the group visiting The Big Apple from Texas wanted to eat inside of the NYC restaurant, Carmine's. Before seating the group, the restaurant hostess asked the group to provide proof of vaccination.
A brawl is what followed the hostess' request, as the report says that she was punched repeatedly and also had her necklace broken off. The video shows bystanders as well as restaurant employees attempting to break up the fight.
After suspects were pulled away from the hostess, three were eventually arrested and booked into jail. The suspects reportedly were aged 44, 49, and 21.
See the video posted to Twitter by @HardingReports below.
Reactions to the video rolled in on social media.
One Twitter user suggested that the suspect's employers should be informed.
Some added that they look forward to visiting NYC.
One Twitter user put responsibility for the incident on the Mayor.
It is pretty shocking to see someone working as a hostess at a restaurant be attacked simply for doing their job. Whether you agree with policies or not, restaurants are in no position to take a fine after such a rough go throughout the pandemic.
While we can't see or hear exactly what led up to this point, he suspects involved in the alleged attack must have a serious issues if they result to violence when confronted with an issue as simple as showing proof of vaccination.
Even if the group didn't want provide or couldn't provide proof of vaccination, attacking the hostess for it was in no way an appropriate response.
I really hope the restaurant employee is alright. I think an incident like this would turn me away from working at a restaurant for quite some time.
See the full report from NBC News via Facebook below.
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