16 Year Old Shreveport Girl to Perform at New York’s Carnegie Hall
On February 2nd, 2018 - finalists from around the world will converge on Carnegie Hall for a performance series showcasing some of the newest upcoming stars in the entertainment universe in the High School Honors Performance Series. According to US News and World Report, one of the brightest will be Shreveport's very own 16 year old Janae Williams.
Back in July, she recorded a demo using her father's church as a studio. Her version of The Sweetest Flower That Blows," wowed the judges tasked with searching through all of the entries. There job was to find the best, and Janae (who learned to sing in Tots Choir at Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Shreveport) was definitely on the list. She'll be representing Shreveport when she steps on to one of the most legendary stages in the world.
SInce 1891, New York City's Carnegie Hall has played host to the most talented people in the world. Titans of music and performance have waited in the wings for their opportunity to grace the stage at this most historic concert hall. There's an old joke in the musical performance circles, it goes something like this; "A young musician is lost in New York when he sees what is obviously a very successful conductor walking down the street. He approaches the gentleman and says 'Excuse me sir, how do you get to Carnegie Hall? The conductor replies, 'Practice, practice, practice.'"
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