What’s Really In Our Local Tap Water?
EWG (Environmental Working Group) has been working for almost a decade, testing for pollutants in water systems across America tap water. EWG has reviewed more than 30 million state water records to provide what they say is a comprehensive list of contaminants from virtually every municipality.
According to EWG's report regarding Shreveport's water:
"...drinking water quality report shows results of tests conducted by the water utility and provided to the Environmental Working Group by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, as well as information from the U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History database. For the latest quarter assessed by the EPA (January to March 2017), tap water provided by this water utility was in compliance with federal health-based drinking water standards".
However, EWG says the news about Shreveport water isn't all good, with a number of contaminants detected. The EWG report detects levels "above health guidelines" for the following: Aluminum; bromodichloromethane; chlorate; chloroform; chromium; dibromochloromethane; dichloroacetic acid; trihalomethanes; trichloroacetic acid. the report also states that these nine are present in the water because of agriculture, industry, treatment byproducts, runoff and sprawl and natural occurrences.
To see the EWG water report for your specific area of the ArkLaTex, JUST CLICK HERE! To read EWG's report, "The State of American Drinking Water", JUST CLICK HERE!