Friends on my Facebook keep reminding us all to make sure our pets are ready for the Fourth of July. Many dogs are petrified of thunder and fireworks. Here are some things all of us pet owners need to remember before Thursday.

Leave Your Pet at Home. Although many of us love to take our dog kids with us, taking them out while fireworks are out is NOT a good idea, your pet will more than likely get freaked out and try to run.
Provide a Safe Spot from Loud Noises. Maybe leave the laundry room open or your master closet. Somewhere where your pet can hide and feel safe. Make this happen especially if you don't plan to be home with your pet.

Tire them out. Before the excitement of the fireworks make sure you have given your dog plenty of exercise. If you let them burn off excess energy, maybe they can sleep through all the crazy booms!
ID Tags are a must have! Every time the Fourth of July comes around and we all start to see lost and found pet pages on social media get filled with sweet babies that are missing their families. Microchipping pets is the most effective way of having your pet returned to you. Also, an easy to read ID tag with updated information is essential. Make sure your pets have their collars on and proper identification.


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