Pillsbury Cookie Dough With Oreo Chunks Hitting Stores Soon
Oreo lovers have something new to look forward to. You can now make an Oreo-flavored cookie fresh out of the oven. Imagine that soft, warm cookie with chunks of oreo inside of it. Mmmm. Pillsbury Oreo cookies are now in stores just screaming at you to pick them up.
Instagrammer @Candyhunting posted a photo of this magical goodness. It looks like it is the classic Pillsbury sugar cookie dough that is stuffed with pieces of Oreo cookies. Well, that sounds like the perfect combination and I can’t believe we’ve been missing out on this goodness until now. The comments on the post are all extremely positive, including this one, “Oh my woooooowwwwwzzers.” And another said, “These would not make it into the oven.”
Delish.com mentions this idea and I just have to share it with you. Use these Pillsbury Oreo cookies to make ice cream sandwiches. OMG. YES. Or you can even crumble them on ice cream.
They're in Hy-Vee already, but we hope they hit stores near us soon.
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