Scary News Coming From Bossier Animal Control
Our friends at the Bossier Animal Control have reached out to us because they're currently over maximum capacity for animals. This is very scary due to the fact that they're a kill shelter and this could be the outcome for many of the dogs and cats at their location if something doesn't happen soon. These are amazing people working at the animal control so they're determined not to let that happen.
They're experiencing an intake of more cats than ever before so until June 9th you'll be able to adopt 2 cats for the price of 1!
If you're not able to bring any of the animals home at this time they completely understand but there's still ways you can help. To help expand the time they have before the worst case scenario has to happen they're collecting cat food in particular canned and dry kitten food. Also another way you can help is by spreading the word which you can do by posting this post on social media and sharing with all your friends!
Below is a video from the shelter of some of the cats needing a forever home...