Should You Vacuum Or Dust First… That’s An Important Question!
Sunday, my girlfriend Lori and I were having a discussion regarding what horrible house keepers we are and how we really need to clean our homes BUT the weather was just too nice outside to stay inside and clean... that's when she brought it up... the question the makes she and her husband go 'round and 'round... Should you dust or vacuum first? I'd never really thought that closely about it before but I've always (I think) dusted first... But since the topic started some debate here at work yesterday, I decided to ask about it on my Facebook. Here are some of the responses:
Dust but not too often. With 2 Labs I'm vaccuming more.
Dust first!! And start from the top and work ur way down when dusting!! Lol
Vacuum than dust
Vacuum first, then dust. I put that carpet fresh smell good powder on the floor and it seems to get on everything.
Ginny Harrington Vacuums throw little dust particles back up in The air so dusting last helps make sure you don't have to dust twice. Lol. Just saying iv been told I'm a clean freak
My friend Brad says dust, vacuum, then dust again... Stu says if you have a hepa filter on your vacuum it doesn't matter;) I generally dust first but never really thought about it before now...
Have hepa filter too but still vacuum first, that way anything I stirred up moving things around while vacuuming gets dusted.
Dust vacuum then dust again
I am not sure thats my husbands job let me ask lol
Husband says you must dust first. I say, "He/she doing the job ought to be able to pick the order." ;-)
vacuum first! i use the hose to get some of the dust up!
This is clearly a hot topic in some households... What do you think?