Shreveport Contractor Arrested After Scamming Woman Out of $30K
I have a friend whose home flooded days before Thanksgiving. He has been jerked around by his insurance but the worst part of it all is how long it has taken him to reach an agreement with his contractor. Hearing about his experience makes me never want to try to remodel a house and I pray I never have to remodel my home.
There are so many ways that you can get the short end of a stick with contractors, in fact, if you're in the process of building or remodeling there is probably a chance that you're dealing with some crazy costs right now. Through no fault of their own, contractors are dealing with headaches because of all the crazy high costs of lumber and everything else in between. With the skyrocketing prices how does it not feel like a scam?
How do you spot a scam? How do you know that the contractor you're trusting isn't just going to take your check and put off doing the work? I can't imagine the frustration and struggle that a Shreveport woman recently went through.
According to KSLA 12, a disgraced Shreveport contractor is facing some serious charges. The Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office claims that Garland Morgan Jr turned himself in at the Caddo Correctional Center. It's a good thing Morgan showed up to turn himself in since he made a habit of just not showing up to finish a job he charged over $30,000 for.
Morgan was charged with home improvement fraud. How did he scam his victim? After he received payment for a remodeling job he quit showing up to the woman's house in Keithville and left the job unfinished. After the woman reported Morgan she realized his contractor license had expired.
Before you hire a contractor, make sure they have references and do a little research of your own, they may have some complaints that you would want to know about before hiring them.