Survey Reveals List of Toys That Have Stood the Test of Time
Are there any toys that your kids are playing with that you also enjoyed as a child?
I don't have any kids, but I have a feeling that when I do I'm going to have plenty of walks down memory lane watching they grow and learn about the world. My cousin has a daughter and we often giggle when we see her enjoy a toy that we enjoyed as kids. One toy she loves is the exact same toy her mom played with as a kid, but in general she loves Barbies like we did years ago.
There are just some toys that have appealed to kids generation after generation.
Recently a poll was conducted to determine which toys had stood the test of time. More than 2,000 American parents took part in the survey. It resulted in a list of 30 toys that continue to be popular with the young ones, although many have taken on a new look as the years have gone on.
Here are the top 10:
1. Play Doh
2. Mr. Potato Head
3. Trolls
4. My Little Pony
5. Furby
6. Puzzles
7. Toy Phone
8. Bop It
9. Building Blocks
10. Bicycle
You can see the rest of the list here.
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