Even though he's mostly almost sort of famous for at one point being married to Jessica Simpson, apparently Nick Lachey is an expert on how to be in a successful boy band.
Because, you know, he was in that one that wasn't N'SYNC or the Backstreet Boys or New Kids on the Block or O-Town or Dreamstreet. And now they're reuniting to compete against the likes of One Direction and the Wanted.
Oh, and s
Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo have plenty of time to prepare for the birth of their first child — she isn’t due, by Nick’s estimation, until “late summer, early fall.” But that doesn’t mean they’re waiting until the last minute to talk about baby names. In fact, as Nick revealed during his recent appearance on ‘Live! With Kelly,’ he has a few favorites already picked out.
While his ex-wife Jessica Simpson may have beat him to the punch, since she is due with her first child in the very near future judging from photos of her massive baby bump, ex-98 Degrees singer Nick Lachey and his wife Vanessa Minnillo (now known as Vanessa Lachey) confirmed that they are expecting their first child. Congrats to the Lacheys, who wed in July of 2011.