Locally, businesses like the Shreveport Aquarium work with visually impaired people from this program, and even sell artwork produced by folks from another program run by the LAB.
The new move will not only save the Navy millions of dollars in training, using off of the shelf technology will be much cheaper and faster than have purpose-built interfaces researched, designed, and tested.
FBI documents show that not only did the bureau pay for information, they trained employees to thoroughly search certain individuals computers for sensitive documents, child porn, and other incriminating evidence without a warrant.
The first class, held in October, was such a hit - folks started asking for another chance to learn the tips and techniques to surviving a possible terror attack.
Through the partnership with the city of Shreveport, the 2.2 acre empty lot located at 1210 Milam Street will be transformed into a facility that will both improve the food and the lives of the ones who make it.