Take a Virtual Ride on Your Favorite Disney World Attractions
Visit the Happiest Place on Earth from your own living room.
As cliche as it sounds, Disney is my happy place. Aside from movies and shows, Disneyland was a place that we visited as a family every single year growing up. We'd get up super early and arrive at those gates the moment they opened. Mom would pack a lunch, we'd get our re-entry stamps, head out to the car for a picnic before heading back in for more fun. We wouldn't leave until the park was closing or my brother and I were too tired to stay on our feet.
It's been hard knowing that Disneyland and Disney World are closed for the time being.
However, that doesn't mean that the fun has to stop. In fact, thanks to YouTube, we can still enjoy the rides we love at Disney World without breaking any social distancing rules. If you want to take an hour to escape to the Happiest Place on Earth, I highly recommend it. Although you may not experience the same rush from a roller coaster drop, you'll still be filled with the same feelings of joy as you encounter your favorite characters.
See for yourself...
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