The Chica & The Bald Guy Teacher of the Week is LT Jacob Simon

Every week, Chica & the Bald Guy search the Shreveport/Bossier City area (commonly referred to as the SBC) for your favorite teacher. Every single person who chooses the teaching lifestyle does so knowing that they will most likely never get rich for it. The fearless men and women that face a class full (or more) of our kids day in and day out deserve much more than they get.
It is in that spirit that we seek to recognize one educator a week who goes above and beyond the call of duty for her students! This week, that exemplary teacher is Army National Guard Youth Challenge Program instructor LT Jacob Simon!
Heather was nominated by Elizabeth Walker. Elizabeth is obviously impressed at the amount of time and dedication LT Simon puts into everything he does. Here's what she had to say of out Teacher of the Week:
I would like to nominate 1st LT Jacob Simon with the Louisiana Army National Guard for teacher of the week. Lt Simon is a teacher with the Army National Guard Youth Challenge Program at one of their three facilities, Camp Minden. Lt. Simon is a graduate of CE Byrd High School and of ULM in Monroe with a Degree in Biology. He is currently studying at LSU-S for a degree in Accounting and a degree in Finance.
Lt Simon works with students in the youth-at-risk program that targets unemployed, drug-free and law-free high school dropouts, ages 16 – 18 years. He works directly with students to help them reclaim their lives. Helping to produce graduates with values, self-discipline, life skills and an education. He works daily with them to build the skills necessary for them to re-enter their lives as productive citizens, dedicating countless hours to their success.
Lt Simon lives in Shreveport and dedicates his free time to mentoring some of the graduates of the YCP program. He is a beloved uncle and spends every Thursday night dedicated to playing with his 7 nieces and nephews.
One of his neighbors, Monica Kubek, recently sent the follow message to his mother:
“Yesterday I called Jacob to see if he would take me to Autozone to get a part for my car. (my car was broken down) Without question he said yes. Then I get my daughters car seat loaded in his car and he asked me what was wrong with my car. I told him the starter went out. I told him the labor was going to cost me $360 to put a new one on. He of course would not take any money for it, but spent an hour and a half in the heat replacing it.
I know he loves to cook, so I went today and got him a basket full of cooking stuff. While I was giving him this gift basket, a neighbor of ours said they had a nail in their tire and he spent another hour and an half fixing their tire. He even went to Harbor Freight and paid for the supplies to fix it out of his own pocket. He is just the sweetest and always stops whatever he is doing to help strangers."
Lt Simon is giving back to his neighbors and to kids who have been tossed away by most in society as unhelp able. He is truly an amazing teacher because he is teaching not just math and science, he is teaching everyday that goodness is in all of us if we just are willing to do the work.
Congratulations, LT Jacob Simon - you are Chica & the Bald Guy's Teacher of the Week. Not only do you have our respect and admiration, you have also been awarded a $50 gift card good at Notini's restaurant!
Nominate the most amazing teacher you know for next week's Teacher of the Week Award!
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