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The Louisiana Guard is a force to be reckoned with in our state.  Just think about the number of times they have been called upon to help when a disaster wreaks havoc here.  From rescuing folks stranded by rising water, to helping restore critical infrastructure, and everything in between - these dedicated men and women have saved lives, property, and more countless times.

While the desire to serve comes from within the individual, the training to do so does not.  That's where the time-tested and true methods of the U.S. Military come into to play.  Each branch has its own specific way of training recruits, and therefore has its own training facilities.  The Pineville, Louisiana camp that turns raw potential into precise military machines is due for an upgrade - and, that's where you come in.

I'm sure the Guard would love to have you, but I wasn't talking about enlisting.  According to the details from the official Louisiana Guard website, they want you to rename Camp Beauregard.  A committee made up of officials on the made up of military, local, and state level will evaluate each recommendation and pick a suitable name.  Those recommendations are being accepted now, and will be until July 30th.

According to the site:

Any new name considered should reflect the values of the Louisiana National Guard, the state of Louisiana and the United States of America

Drop your best ideas here.

25 Obscure Facts You Probably Don't Know About Louisiana

Louisiana is a weird and wild place. Some of our state's history is way stranger than fiction! Test yourself to see if you are a Bayou State expert!

Top 10 Most Dangerous Towns in Louisiana

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Top 10 Most Likely Things to Kill You in Louisiana

Life is precious, but fragile. In an effort to help you live as long as possible, I've researched the most likely things to take you out if you live in the Sportsman's Paradise. With a little careful planning and this information, you could live a long and happy life in Louisiana.

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