Things Louisianians Say that Prove We’re a Different Breed
From the swamps of South Louisiana to 1-20 in North Louisiana and everywhere in between, Louisianians are just different.
Of course, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. We do things a little different down here in the boot state. We party a little harder. We celebrate a little louder. We eat a little better. To top it all off, we talk a little different, and we love it.
In fact, I bet as you're sitting there reading this you've already come up with some Louisiaiana phrases that you know won't ever be uttered anywhere outside of our great state. Our lingo is just one of the many things that sets us apart from the rest of the nation.
Naturally, when you live in the most glorious melting pot of cultures such as the one we find ourselves in here in Louisiana, you're bound to get the most unique phrasing found anywhere in the country. So, what phrases do we all know and love that sets us apart? What parts of our relatively normal vocabulary is unique to us and only us.
Those answers were quite easy to come up with, believe it or not. As I alluded to earlier, chances are anyone reading this can rattle off our phrases with little to no hesitation. In fact, this might be the quickest article I've ever wrote.
Below you'll find the things Louisiaianians say that prove we're a different breed.
- 1
How's Your Mama and Dem?
That's right, kicking off my list is a true Louisiana classic. I love this phrase particularly because I love a true cajun accent. Even those of us who weren't blessed with that beautiful accent can't help but sound a little Cajun when speaking this popular Louisiana phrase.
- 2
Throw Me Somethin' Mister!
Go ahead, try yelling this phrase at a stranger in every other state. In New York, they'll throw you a middle finger. In Texas, they'll throw you a dirty look. In Rhode Island, they'll throw you 10 feet or halfway across the entire state. Here in Louisiana, that's one of the kindest things you can shout at a stranger.
- 3
No, I'm most certainly not referencing the Godess of Pop. Down here in Louisiana, the word "Cher" might be our highest term of endearment. You know you're talking to family or close friends that are practically family when you throw out that special word.
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Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler
If you show that phrase to 100,000 random U.S. citizens, I'd be willing to bet 99% of them will assume it's chicken-scratch gibberish. The 1% probably took French in high school. Of course, down here in Louisiana that phrased might be the most welcomed of all. It's time to party, and no one else can let the good times roll like we can.
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Come See
I'm honestly not sure how this quick phrase became a staple in most Louisianians' dialogue. After all, it saves no time compared to, "Come here". Still, we like the way it sounds so we're just going to keep on saying it.
- 6
Yep, every Louisianian has said this word a million times. It's actually wild that Louisiana is the only state in the country that has parishes instead of counties. In fact, most American citizens, with the exception of those in our neighboring states, have no idea that we employ such a superior word for our 'counties'
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Pinch the Tail and Suck the Head
Hell, just saying that phrase out loud in 49 of our states could lead you straight to prison. it's a dirty phrase to most, but for us, it's quite literal. Take it from me, you're three-time Mudbug Madness Crawfish Eating Champion.
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Fixin' To
I really didn't realize until recently that this phrase wasn't really used much out of our great state. The meaning is simple, you ain't done it yet, but don't worry, you're fixin' to. Often this phrase is spoken in a way that makes it sound like an even more hilarious single word, "Fixina".
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