Things You Don’t Realize You are Doing Because Of Depression
Mental Health is just as important as your overall health, but often ignored. There is this stigma that people who suffer from depression are just "Debbie Downers". Heck, people who suffer from depression often feel shameful and can become secretive which could prevent proper treatment.
There is nothing wrong with reaching out and finding help.
According to Life Hack and Huffington Post, there are several things people who suffer from depression do without realizing it.
They could have a tough time responding to affection and concern.
- Neglecting to do basic things like laundry, not wanting to cook a meal or eat.
They might frequently turn down activities they used to love or would otherwise enjoy.
- Overthinking everything and over-planning. The need to make everything perfect and everyone happy, even if it’s taking all my energy.
Not looking depressed.
There are several people who suffer from depression, even though they don't have a looming giant rain cloud hovering over them. They can be active members of society and steal suffer. Depression can have multiple effects on different people.
Again, there is nothing wrong with reaching out for help.