We Get One Less Hour of Sleep Sunday as Daylight Saving Time Begins
Why hasn't someone changed the law on this antiquated bi-annual sleep wrecking formality?
Time to reset all the clocks in the house; your vehicle, the radio in your shop, all of those clocks that don't automatically reset themselves, as Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday.
And this is the one that has a little sting to it. We'll "Spring Forward" and move those clocks ahead, essentially removing a whole hour of sleep from that normally lazy Sunday morning.
In a story from npr.org, we learn that Daylight Saving Time all started as an energy policy:
For decades, shifting the clocks during the months that have the most sunlight was promoted as a way to save energy. Indeed, the most recent expansion of DST came via an energy bill that Congress passed in 2005.
Apparently Benjamin Franklin was a huge proponent of this when he told Paris of the millions of pounds of candlewax they'd save by going to bed early and waking up early.
I'm pretty sure those days are gone and most of us aren't worried about scrimping on candlewax anymore.
Many national polls show that people just don't see the need to go through this "time change" twice every year any longer. In fact, most would prefer to adjust to the traditional hours of "Daylight Saving Time" like it will be this Sunday, and just leave it there.
In spite of growing popularity of the idea of abandoning this burden, here we go again!
Daylight Saving Time officially begins this Sunday, March 13 at 2:00 am. Well, actually there isn't a 2:00 am. We skip straight from 1:59 to 3:00, but you know the drill.
We spring forward, so Saturday night, before bed, set your clock ahead by one hour and you'll be on time.
I guess the good news is that we'll have an extra hour of daylight each evening to get all the grass mowed. Doesn't that make it all better?