What is Louisiana’s Most Popular Halloween Costume?
I think we can all agree that when it comes to 2020, all bets are off. No one could predict the events of the last year, and frankly, who would want to? With that being said, Halloween is right around the corner and whether your intention is to play it safe or get out there, go door to door, and get all the candy, what we intend to dress us as is shifting. That's why the connectivity team at All Home Solutions found when they scoured online trends to find the most searched for costume in each state for Halloween.
In Louisiana, the most searched for costume, ie: the most popular, is the witch. 'Which' kinda makes sense when you think about it. When you think of witches, the only other state that really comes to mind is Massachusetts (Salem, duh!). However, a witch is a rather traditional costume choice in my humble opinion. I guess there's something about living in a time of such unrest and uncertainty inspires us to return to the tried and true. Voodoo priestess Marie Laveau, whom many regarded as a witch, would be so proud!
Of course, we can't forget our neighbors in Texas where they're big fans of princesses or Arkansas, who love the webbed wonder, Spiderman! Check out the most popular Halloween costumes by state for the rest of the country here with All Home Solutions.