Where’s the Best Trick or Treating in Shreveport/Bossier?
Every Halloween, my family and I go on the search for the best neighborhood to take the kids trick or treating. This year, it's more important than ever that we find the perfect place to send the kids door-to-door begging for candy - it's most likely my 11 year old son's last year to go for himself. He may dress up and go for a few years more, but that will be done under the guise of "helping out his baby sister." This will probably the last time he will costume up as a kid purely for his own enjoyment.
We have seen some of the most fantastically festive Halloween houses in the Ellerbe community and found some off the best candy in the Legacy neighborhood - but I'm looking for the unicorn. Where can we go to find both?
Before you answer, just know that I have a few requirements. #1: The trick-or treating ground has to be fertile - i.e. there has to be plenty of the really good candy. #2: There's an unofficial competition among the residents for the best decorated house. We're talking skeletons, lights, inflatable witches, etc. #3 Lots of costumed kids are there. I mean, it's great getting a bag full of the good candy - but part of the fun is seeing all of the costumes!
If this is your neighborhood, let me know in the comments!
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