Who Has the Best King Cake in the Ark-La-Tex?
One thing we don't mess with in the Ark-La-Tex is King Cake. Several people will only go to one certain spot to get their King Cake fix and rightfully so. I have heard from several people who have a family recipe that they love and have been making for years. For those of us who don't have the secret family recipe and go out and buy it, there are several places that claim to have the best King Cake in the area. We even have Copeland's Cheesecake Bistro that has a King Cake Cheesecake that sells out. Further proof that we take King Cake very serious in our neck of the woods. Where do you go to get your King cake?
Check out the list of places where you can pick up a King Cake below!
Tubbs Hardware & Cajun Gifts
Lilah's Bakery
King Hardware & Gifts
Julie Anne's Bakery and Cafe
Super 1
We will collect votes until Thursday 01/10/19 at 11:59 p.m. as soon as we find out who the winner of the best King Cake is we will let you know!
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