Will the Barksdale Bubble Protect Us From the Upcoming Storm?
Storms are incoming and that only means one thing... All eyes in the Ark-La-Tex are looking towards the Barksdale Bubble. In case you haven't heard, there's a strong chance of hail, 80 mph winds, tornadoes and severe thunderstorms starting Wednesday March 17th.
Although we can't actually see the Barksdale Bubble, the majority of Shreveporters believe that the phenomenon exists in one way or another. While that's an actual weather control device or a simple cause-and-effect from all of Barksdale's concrete, or something else entirely, the majority of Shreveport residents believe in it. Don't just take my word for it, we took a poll that received thousands of votes back in 2016, with over 60% of Shreveporters voting "Yes" to "Does the Barksdale Bubble really exist?" You can find that poll by clicking HERE.
Now we've debated time and time again as to what the Barksdale Bubble actually is, so we're not going to get into that now. Instead, we're gonna look ahead to tomorrow's storm that is set to bring harsh weather conditions to our area.
If recent times are any indication, I don't expect our Barksdale Bubble to protect us much this week. While in the past, the Barksdale Bubble became pretty consistent in it's ability to disperse storms just before arriving in our skies, it hasn't been too consistent as of late. I'm sure I don't need to remind you, but I will anyway. We experienced not one but two nasty winter storms already in 2021, the second on e in February being one of the worst, if not the worst this area has ever seen. We've also seen extreme thunderstorms and weather events not related to the snow already this year. Personally, I think it's obvious what has happened.
Like many struggling businesses in the Ark-La-Tex, the pandemic surely has ravaged Barksdale's top-secret Bubble program. I'm assuming that when compared with other duties carried out at Barksdale, the higher-ups on base decided that weather manipulation is low on that priority list, obviously leading them to make the difficult decision of disbanding the Barksdale Bubble unit altogether.
After all, with the Barksdale Bubble's recent and uncharacteristic failures, it makes absolute sense that COVID-19 is responsible.
Is this the end of the Barksdale Bubble or did Louisiana's introduction into Phase Three also bring the return of the hardworking Barksdale Bubble squadron?
I guess we'll find out this week.