You Can Celebrate the Kick Off of Mudbug Madness Today
One of Shreveport's Favorite Festivals is Back in Downtown Shreveport.
Mudbug Madness 2022 officially kicks off this Friday at 11:30 AM. This marks the beginning of one of the best weekends in Shreveport-Bossier.
Mudbug Madness 2022 features an awesome musical line-up including Shenandoah, Amanda Shaw, and The Revelers to name a few.
Of course, the music is just a portion of the fun, as thousands will gather to eat some of the yummiest crawfish in the Ark-La-Tex and wash it all down with a cold beer. The competitions will be a lot of fun, you should make a point to check out the Crawfish Calling Contest, and the Crawfish Eating Contest.
Friday, at 11:30, Mudbug Madness Officially Kicks Off With the Celebrity Crawfish Eating Contest.
The festival will officially begin with its opening ceremonies and the annual Celebrity Crawfish Eating Contest. If you want to go watch some folks compete for bragging rights make sure you head out there as early as you can. Of course, this is a great excuse to also go out and eat some lunch at Mudbug Madness. You could be one of the first to take in the goodness of the festival.
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