3 Things to Do to Combat Stress at Work
Do you ever pull up to work and feel like that Meme of Kermit in a car not wanting to step into work. According to a recent survey published by Linkedin, you're not alone. We worry so much about our jobs that stress makes us shut down. The study found that the things that stress us out the most at work include a lack of direction, our workload, and worrying about our future.
Are you known as that "yes" person? Whatever project may come your way, you need to know that it is okay to draw the line and not be the first to raise your hand and volunteer for a new project. Basically, quit draining yourself.
Here are 3 simple things you can do every single workday to help you stay happy at your job.
1. Learn to say "No". Sometimes we do it to ourselves. Make sure you're not voluntarily taking on too much.
2. Make yourself valuable and keep learning. if you're constantly learning new ways to become an asset to the company and different ways to contribute you won't be so focused on you losing your job.
3. Don't settle. Keep your resume updated. Successful careers are not made by settling and getting in a rut. Ask yourself what you love about your job, and what you tolerate and or don’t like. Always be on the lookout for a better position or your dream job.