Bear Breaks Into a Family’s Home While They Slept [VIDEO]
At this point, you would rather that noise coming from the kitchen be a robber, right?
A truly un-BEARable situation unfolded inside a Colorado family's home when a huge bear actually snuck into their house while they slept.
The bear made it's way into the dark house through a window, and stayed in there unnoticed for quite some time. The bear was actually inside the house for five hours! He was getting into literally everything, too. It's a true miracle that no one in the family woke up, as that could have caused the situation to go from bad to worse.
Instead, the bear made it's way around the house then simply left, leaving behind a gigantic mess.
When the family woke up, naturally, they thought they were robbed. You can imagine their surprise when they checked the security tape and found this!