Brand New Dog Catcher: The Dentist
On the Morning Madhouse we like to help people out who are going through a hard time whether it's through charity events or personal issues. That's where the Dog Catcher comes in helping people who think they're being cheated on. The lucky thing for us is people really aren't good at keeping secrets so it always comes out and in this case that means live on the radio.
Cheaters are caught red handed on a 3 way call with the Madhouse and their girlfriend/boyfriend as they're exposed for being a cheater. We've also added Splitsville where someone thought a relationship was just heating up when they're ghosted by the other person we help find them answers!
If you think you've been cheated on or have been ghosted and want answers please email us at!
This week Jim reached out to us because he thinks his girlfriend Cindy has been cheating with her boss...