Brush Up On These Fireworks Safety Tips Before the Fourth
Fireworks are dazzling in the sky, but they can also be extremely dangerous.
Fourth of July is here in just a matter of days! Many of us look forward to the food, the music, the patriotism and of course, the fireworks above. Every year I tell myself that I will be the one to light those suckers up only to find that they still scare me just a little too much. As much as I love to see them in the sky, they are still little sticks of dynamite to me.
A little dramatic, but still.
Fireworks can cause serious injury and damage to areas around you. The National Council on Fireworks Safety has a list of thing you should remember when dealing with fireworks. From finding a place to launch those fireworks to properly disposing of them, these reminders will come in handy on Wednesday when we're celebrating our nation's independence.
Here are a few highlights:
-Obey all local laws regarding the use of fireworks
-Read the cautionary labels and performance descriptions before igniting
-A responsible adult should supervise all firework activities
-Never give fireworks to children
-Alcohol and fireworks do not mix
-Wear safety glasses when shooting fireworks.
-Always have a bucket of water and charged water hose nearby.
-Never carry fireworks in your POCKET or shoot them into METAL or GLASS containers
See the entire list of tips here. You'll also find a list of helpful tips to keep your pets safe and calm during those fireworks shows. Have fun this Fourth, but remember to play it safe first and foremost.
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