One Local Caddo Parish Teen Arrested for Online Terrorizing

When will kids learn that there are serious real-life consequences for posting something considered threatening online?
Just before 9 pm last night, Sunday, May 8, 2022, the Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office received a call about a post on social media threatening a possible shooting at Donnie Bickham Middle School located in Caddo Parish.
It didn't take long for Caddo Parish Patrol Deputy Christan Dickey to respond and soon after, CPSO Youth Services Detective Ray Saunders was able to track the IP address. Further investigation traced the IP to the juvenile responsible for the threat. The teen was arrested for terrorizing early this morning (Monday, May 9, 2022) at 2:45 am and was booked into the Caddo Juvenile Detention Center.
According to what I was able to find online, terrorizing is a serious offense in Louisiana. Here's the Louisiana Revised Statutes Tit. 14, § 40.1. Terrorizing:
A. Terrorizing is the intentional communication of information that the commission of a crime of violence is imminent or in progress or that a circumstance dangerous to human life exists or is about to exist, with the intent of causing members of the general public to be in sustained fear for their safety; or causing evacuation of a building, a public structure, or a facility of transportation; or causing other serious disruption to the general public.
B. It shall be an affirmative defense that the person communicating the information provided for in Subsection A of this Section was not involved in the commission of a crime of violence or creation of a circumstance dangerous to human life and reasonably believed his actions were necessary to protect the welfare of the public.
C. Whoever commits the offense of terrorizing shall be fined not more than fifteen thousand dollars or imprisoned with or without hard labor for not more than fifteen years, or both.
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