Did Mudbug Madness Just Release their 2021 Dates?
My friends, I don't have to tell you how horrible 2020 was. The global pandemic literally shut our lives down within the blink of an eye. One weekend we had parties and restaurants and nightclubs and events, and the next weekend, we did not.
Every closing hurt and every cancellation hurt. For most Shreveporters, the cancellation of Mudbug Madness 2020 was a tough blow. However, in their announcement last year, they did say that they were already working hard and looking forward to Mudbug Madness 2021. Well here we are, folks.
Now, to be fair, 2021 didn't start off so hot itself. With the pandemic still relatively out of control as the new year kicked off, it seemed like more of the same. Then, March came just when we needed it the most. Not only did March kick that nasty Mother Nature out of our lives (at least temporarily) but March has also given us hope that this pandemic is nearing it's end. States all around us, looking at you Texas and Mississippi, have decided to open up entirely.
Louisiana isn't too far behind, moving into the ultra-elusive Phase Three this week.
With the news of our state entering the next phase towards a full-reopening, Mudbug Madness took to Facebook to make a special announcement.
In their announcement, that state that more news will come within the next few weeks, but until then, go ahead and save a few dates on the calendar just in case. If all goes as planned, it would seem that we'll have our beloved Mudbug Madness festival back come Memorial Day weekend. The dates they highlighter are May 28th, 29th, and 30th.
‼️The Governor announced today that we will move to Phase 3 on March 3rd!
✔️This is great news for festivals...including...Posted by Mudbug Madness on Tuesday, March 2, 2021
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