Do You Recognize These Men?
Take a close look at the black Ford F150, do you recognize it? On Sunday June 3rd around 7:45 p.m. three men attempted to steal one of our trailers. Actually, more like 2 guys asked 1 guy to do all the work as they stayed in the truck.
To the man in the blue shirt, we are pretty sure you're getting the short end of the deal. You need better friends. Hopefully new friends who don't make you steal other peoples hard earned equipment.
If you have ever had something stolen from you, you know exactly how horrid it feels. Let's make sure these guys stop their easy pay days and go out and work like the rest of us do so we can buy instead of steal. Please share these photos, someone out there has to recognize the man in the blue shirt, the driver, or the black Ford F150. If you know who these men are, please contact the Shreveport Police Department on the non emergency phone number at (318)673-7300.
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