Olive Her Friends: Meet Beeker
My dog Olive is my best friend, I couldn't imagine life without her. I wish everyone had an Olive. That's why we teamed up with Ninna's Road to Rescue. We love to show off some of Ninna's adoptable dogs, so hopefully, you find that companion you've been looking for.
Meet Beeker, he is some kind of really cute Pekingese mix he is anywhere from 3 to 4 years old and maybe even younger. He is 10.2 pounds he is very chill and he is great with other dogs and cats. His adoption fee is $200, which includes vetting, microchip, and the microchip enrollment fee.
Here is what the crew at Ninna's Road to Rescue had to say about this shy little girl: "Beeker was being given away on Facebook... "Puppy free to good home"... and thank goodness for that! His collar was so tight it was on the verge of embedding into his neck. He is very lucky it hadn’t broken through skin yet, although his neck was very very raw. His neck looks so good now and healing nicely. He was very sweet and patient during the whole process of removing the collar. Beeker does great in a kennel and walks ok on a leash, although he’s not accustomed to one. We recommend he be harnessed instead of collared due to the tight collar which may have caused damage to his throat which may not surface until he’s older. If he can’t see you he does this little scream. When we first heard it, it kind of scared us and he doesn’t do it much anymore. We believe in the beginning he just wanted to be near us because we are the only kindness he’s ever known.
*Heartworm POSITIVE: Don’t let heartworms discourage you from adopting a heartworm positive dog! We have tons of examples of dogs adopted and then ultimately testing heartworm negative following our instructions! BEEKER is on (or has completed) twice a day Doxycycline for 30 days, and he/she has received a 6 month Proheart injection. The Proheart injection releases heartworm prevention into their system continuously for 6 months as opposed to the MONTHLY pill which releases prevention only when first administered. Coupled with Doxycycline, the gentle kill (or slow-kill) method is a safer alternative to the harsh immiticide (arsenic) treatment. The Doxycycline kills bacteria, which heartworms thrive on, thus weakening the heartworms and eventually they will die off, but it could take months and possibly up to two years before (s)he will be heartworm free. The 6 month Proheart injection kills any heartworm larvae and sterilizes the adult heartworms so they no longer reproduce. While the “gentle kill” or “slow kill” method does take longer than traditional harsh veterinary treatment, we prefer this method because there is less risk, it is not as harsh on the dog and the dog does not have to be confined for up to two months during the treatment. We recommend the dog receives another 30 day course of Doxycycline when s(he) receives their next Proheart injection (6 months from the first injection). After one year, we recommend the dog be retested for heartworms. If positive, continue the Doxycycline every 6 months along with the Proheart injection. If negative, continue with regular heartworm prevention (Proheart injection or monthly pill or topical) just like you would do for any heartworm negative dog. If negative, discontinue the Doxycycline regimen. We do require that any interested adopters understand heartworms. They must also agree to continue our method of treatment or, if they wish, they can opt for traditional veterinary treatment; however they cannot choose to do nothing and we do require an agreement/contract be signed that the adopter will continue with a plan to rid him/her of the heartworms. We highly recommend that you discuss this with your veterinarian BEFORE applying (better yet, show this write-up to your vet) as some vets will ONLY do the traditional veterinary treatment... (which is poison)."
Notes from Ninna's Road to Rescue:
*We do adopt out of state provided the adopter is willing and able to travel to us once approved. We do not ship or transport our animals and there is no exception to this rule.
*All of our adoptable dogs are small, and they are never to be left outside alone, ever! We only rehome our dogs to adopters that plan to have them as inside dogs and part of the family! We do allow adopters with doggie doors, provided there is SECURE fencing. There is no exception to this rule!
*HOUSETRAINING: We do NOT guarantee that any of our adoptable dogs are housetrained. While most should be easily trained, keep in mind that they live in a rescue where they have access to the outdoors all day and are inside at night. Even if they were surrendered to us as housetrained, it doesn’t mean they will automatically be housetrained in your home. Housetraining them should be easy in the right home with time, patience, and consistency.
*We do not guarantee the age, health or temperament of any of the dogs we rehome. Many of the dogs we take in come from animal control and rarely do we have histories and even when we do, many times the histories are inaccurate.
*Only adopters with a responsible dog ownership history and excellent vet reference need apply. If you bring this pet into your heart and home, you will receive in return many years of love, companionship, and loyalty. That’s our guarantee.
Other notes: This pet is available for adoption through Ninna’s Road to Rescue, Benton, La. We are 501c3 non-profit organization. Our mission is to rescue small-breed dogs and a handful of cats and to re-home them into RESPONSIBLE and CARING forever homes.
Time may be of the essence if you are looking to adopt a specific animal. We do not reserve animals, unless and until we have approved your application, provided the animal is still available at the time we receive your application. The first APPROVED application we receive will be considered. We are NOT a first-come, first-serve rescue!! We adopt our rescues out to the RIGHT home, not just A home. Only responsible pet owners need to apply.
Applying to adopt does NOT commit you to the adoption until you’ve met the pet (unless you already have and know you want to adopt the pet)."
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