Dog Watches Owner Pet Stuffed Animal, Then Angrily Rips it Away [VIDEO]
Here we have exhibit A on how dogs are awesome.
Yes, even dogs can get supremely jealous, and this video is the proof! A hilarious video has now gone viral showing what happens when you use a stuffed animal to make your dog jealous.
Here's a spoiler: I'd hate to be the stuffed animal!
In the video, a woman is loving on a stuffed animal with her large golden retriever in the background. My favorite part of the video is that the golden retriever let's it go on for a second, but you can clearly see that it's bothered by all the affection this stuffed toy was receiving.
Finally, the real dog in the video had had enough. It's sweet, calm temperament quickly turned to downright anger as it flipped a switch and attacked the stuff animal. It grabbed the toy by the neck and began wrestling it away from her owner as if it was literally trying to kill the fake dog.