Happy 10th Anniversary Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
On this date in the year 2010, a movie that helps define a generation, started its path to being a box office bust. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World opened in theaters 10 years ago today.
The Edgar Wright movie had a budget of $85 million, and a cast of names that would go on to major success (some had already experienced success at this point too). But the box office return for the movie fell WAY short of that budget, with a world-wide box office return of $48 million.
The film was based on the graphic novels from Bryan Lee O'Malley, which were released on Oni Press starting in 2004. It brought together a cast that included Michael Cera (who had already appeared in Superbad and Juno), Anna Kendrick (who had already appeared in the Twilight film series, but hadn't had her breakout in Pitch Perfect yet), Chris Evans (who had already appeared in Fantastic Four, but hadn't debuted as Capatain America yet), Brie Larson (who hadn't had her breakout in Room or Captain Marvel yet), Aubrey Plaza (who had just started on Parks and Recreation on NBC), Brandon Routh (who had already played Superman at this point), and Mary Elizabeth Winstead (she had already made a name in Disney films like Sky High and horror movies like Final Destination 3 by this point in her career).
Even though the movie was a box office disaster, it got plenty of high praise. The innovative style the movie pushes, mixing comic books, video games, and film together has been talked about (but not really duplicated) since it's release.
The movie brought home multiple awards from Film Festivals, as well as 2 Scream Awards. It was also nominated for the GLAAD Media Awards, Teen Choice Awards, and Saturn Awards, among many others.
Rotten Tomatoes currently rates the movie at 82% from the "Tomatometer" and 84% in their audience score, which currently has over 141,000 votes. High praise has come from director Kevin Smith, who also said that directors Quentin Tarantino and Jason Reitman enjoyed the movie as well.
The move has gone on to land on, or near, the top of many Top Films of 2010, and "decade" lists. Including lists by Empire and other publications like it. Last year when I put together my own list of the Top Comic Book Movies of the Decade, I included Scott Pilgrim vs The World at #2, behind only Avengers: Endgame.
Even though it was a box office stinker, the movie still holds up today. Which is why the following behind the film continues to grow, even 10 years later.
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