This Louisiana Home Has Been Hit By Vehicles an Unbelievable 41 Times

What are the chances of having your home hit by a car once, much less 41 times?!?!?!? It has to be astronomical. To put it in perspective, I decided to get statistics on things that are really rare, but still more likely than having your home hit by a motor vehicle 41 times!
Here are some random stats according to Stacker.com:
The odds of being struck by lightning in the U.S.: 1 in 1,222,000
The odds of being killed in a plane crash: 1 in 11,000,000
The odds of having twins without fertility treatments: 1 in 250
The odds of dying in a tornado: 1 in 13,000,000
If you live along 100 miles of coastline, the odds of you being the victim of an unprovoked shark attack: 1 in 3,700,00
The odds of dying in a car wreck: 1 in 107
The odds of being ambidextrous: 1 in 100
The odds of dying in a hurricane: 1 in 62,288
The odds of cracking open a double yolk egg: 1 in 1,000
The odds of your house burning down: 1 in 3,000
I think you get the point. The odds of your home being hit by a vehicle 41 times are slim to none! But it's happened, against all odds, to a family right here in Louisiana.
Arnic and Roland Sevin are from Larose, Louisiana and they've been married for 70 years. They raised their family at the intersection of LA 1 and old HWY 1. That intersection is where their home is, sitting on the corner of a nearly 90-degree turn in the road. I don't know about you, but that's a pretty sharp turn in my book and it's been catching drivers unaware since 1956... the year the Sevin's home was first hit by a distracted motorist.
Despite years of reaching out continuously to every city, state, and parish office available, they resorted to signs and lights. According to WBALTV.com, the Louisiana DOTD isn't able to install guardrails on private property. They are, however, re-installing the rumble strips that were originally put in in 2018, but were recently removed during road construction. While the rumble strips were there to warn drivers, not one vehicle plowed into the Sevin's home. The 41st wreck happened earlier this month on July 2nd.
Hopefully, the promised rumble strips will put an end to this family's constant fear for their safety and fence repairs. Time will tell!
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