How to Transfer Prescription to New Pharmacy When Yours Closes Down
According to KTAL, the Albertsons located on East Texas Street in Bossier City is closing in September. However, the pharmacy will be closing on August 9th.
If you currently use the pharmacy at that location do not be worried. KTAL also reports that prescriptions will be moved to CVS on East Texas Street.
When I moved from Texas to Louisiana I had a difficult time finding a new pharmacy. There are some tips you can use to make the transfer process a little easier:
1. Contact the new pharmacy and let them know which prescriptions you want transfered.
2. Create an account or add your information into their system.
3. According to GoodRX, if you have controlled substance medications it can be hard for the transfer to occur. Contacting your physician and getting their information to your new pharmacy is recommended.
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