If You Want To Be Happy, You Need To Be Spring Cleaning
With the change in time and Spring just around the corner, you know what that means? Spring cleaning, but did you know that spring cleaning actually makes you happier?
Study Finds did a survey of 2,000 people and found that people who clean their house for one hour are 53 percent happier. Not only that there seems to be no cap on the total number of hours you need to clean to be happier. People who enjoy cleaning are also 25 percent happier as well.
Not only does cleaning the house make you feel happier, but it also makes you feel better, the survey found that 80 percent felt more relaxed with a clean house, 72 percent had better sleep, and 72 percent had actually better productivity.
The results are not just for the adults, kids have similar results when their rooms are clean. Kids who are tasked with regular room cleanings are 60 percent more likely to help others in their community. And that same 60 percent of kids tend to study better with a clean room.
So what are you waiting for? Get to that spring cleaning and the results will make you happier.