Is Driving on Louisiana Roads Really That Risky?
Louisiana drivers have it tough. The weather changes daily from one extreme to another. That weather also wears down and damages our vehicles and roads. Could the weather be why Louisiana is now recognized as one of the worst states for drivers?
- Louisiana has outdated and inadequate road infrastructure
- Louisiana is recognized as one of the most dangerous states outside of driving alone
- For reasons like:
- Crime Rate
- Financial Safety
- Emergency Preparedness
- For reasons like:
- Previously this study placed Louisiana as the 23rd worst state for driving
A new study has compiled data on the cost of a vehicle per state, the traffic and infrastructure from each state, data on general safety, and data on access to vehicles/maintenance, to determine which states are the best and worst to drive in.
Louisiana is The Safest and Worst State to Drive In
Louisiana was ranked as the 16th worst state to drive in, but the study recognized its road safety practices and laws to place it as the 12th safest state for drivers.
Louisiana's traffic safety and infrastructure have improved in recent years, followed by a drop in vehicle deaths for the first time in years, which is why the state is now recognized much higher for our safety on the road. If the roads are safe, then why is Louisiana such a bad place for drivers?
The Cost of Vehicles, Gas, and Maintenance is All Too Much
Louisiana is the 16th worst state to drive in, and this is due to its access to and cost of vehicles, as well as the access to and cost of vehicle maintenance. This is not a shocking surprise, considering that Louisiana has higher auto-loan rates than most of the country.
In the end, our poor road and infrastructure weren't the real reason why Louisiana is one of the worst states for drivers, but it was the expensive nature of owning and maintaining a vehicle.
So unless the clouds are trying to sell you a used car, then the weather probably doesn't have much to do with just how bad the cost of driving in Louisiana has gotten.
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Gallery Credit: Zillow.com via Randy Ligon and Ligon Company