Is Your Man A Mama’s Boy Or Just A Beginner Adult?
I have always been close to my mother and my extended family, so being in a relationship with someone who is close to their family as well is really nice. Tucker, my boyfriend, is very close to his mom and brother, and he is such a mama's boy. But he is the best kind of mama's boy.
In my eyes there are two types of mama's boys. There is the kind where they have a great relationship with their mother and that's it. Then there is the creepy type of mama's boy who are very dependent on their moms.
Cosmopolitan discussed the top ten signs that show if a guy is a mama's boy or not. I am going to show you a few of those signs and then break them down to creepy or not creepy.
- He couldn't survive alone in the wild.
Cosmopolitan says: "He can’t do laundry. He doesn’t know how a dishwasher works. He still does all his laundry as his parents' house, and heads over there a few times a week for a square meal. Hell, sometimes his mom even comes over to clean his apartment."
Ginger says: There is a difference between figuring out how to be an adult and still being super dependent of your parents. My mother doesn't do my laundry and Tucker's mom doesn't do his, but we do ask them about the big questions like how to use bleach the right way.
- His mom always knows about everything.
Cosmopolitan says: "It’s like she’s peering into a crystal ball at all times, except the ball is just her son’s phone. And it sucks that she knows every single time you’ve ever hurt her son’s feelings."
Ginger says: This can be a bit intrusive. To me, if you are in an argument with your guy or gal then that argument should stay in the relationship. However, maybe he is just needing some advice. There is a difference between asking for an opinion about a situation and gushing all of your problems to your mom.
- He can be a bit immature (especially when he’s around her).
Cosmopolitan says: "When she's around, it's like he goes back to being a child. You may or may not have seen her cut his food for him at dinnertime."
Ginger says: That is just weird.
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