Jay’s #TBT: First Time Competing at Mudbug Madness
Mudbug Madness is now just a few weeks away so I thought I would tell you all about my very first time competing in the crawfish eating contest.
Let me start by saying I absolutely love everything about Mudbug Madenss. It is, without a doubt, a premiere festival in our area and we're all lucky to have it. The combination of crawfish, cold drinks, and live music will never not be awesome.
What you may not know is that I haven't always been a crawfish eating champion. Sure, I won the contest last year, and some may see that and think I was always this damn good at sucking heads and ripping tails, but that's certainly not the case.
I actually competing in the media crawfish eating contest for the first time back in 2012! At that time, I was the producer for the national TV/Radio show, the Tim Brando Show. Patrick Netherton, who also worked on the show, and I were invited to compete and man was it rough.
I finished dead last, out of at least 10 competitors. I swear, the winner ate all 5 lbs. of his crawfish in less than a minute, it was nuts. I was embarrassed because I really was trying, but I didn't stand a chance so I just tried to enjoy the free crawfish.
Every year since, I've competed and slowly became halfway decent at the art of the peel & pinch. I finished dead last maybe three years in a row, then second place a few times, then won by a few seconds at last year's Mudbug Madness.
Do I have what it takes to repeat? Come show some love and support as I try to go back-to-back! This years celebrity crawfish eating contest takes place on May 24th at 11:30 AM.
For all the information when it comes to Mudbug Madness, click HERE.
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