Jay’s #TBT: Mudbugs Make it to Barstool Sports
For today's #TBT, let's look back on the time our Mudbugs made it to the big time for a hilarious reason.
As we speak,. the Mudbugs are gearing up for round two of the NAHL playoffs, after winning their opening series 3-1. This weekend, they'll host two more playoff agmes and maybe host a third home game this series if necesaary. After that, the 'Bugs will continue their journey through the playoffs up north and we'll have to wait a few months before seeing the 'Bugs in person again.
With that in mind, I find myself missing the Mudbugs already. I began working with them as their in-arena host over ten years ago, so there's always a Mudbugs sized hole in my heart anytime we don't have games on the weekend.
With the 'Bugs in mind, I wanted to dedicate this week's #TBT to one of my favorite Mudbugs moment ever. The time our home team was featured on Barstool Sports.
Barstool Sports, arguably the nation's favorite sports and pop culture blog, shared a video featuring our Shreveport Mudbugs. More specifically, stud goaltender Maiszon Balboa and his skating ability (or lack-there-of).
Balboa is filmed skating towards a camera for a promo video shoot. The only problem is, Balboa is a goalie, and goalies aren't exactly known for their immaculate skating ability. Naturally, when Balboa arrives at the camera, he falls very hard in hilarious fashion in front of the entire team.
Check it out!
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